In Rudolf’s Park, on Bahnhofstrasse
This monument is located in a shady spot, so not even the hottest summer day can harm you here.
But anyway, who was this Rudolf? Today, we would call Archduke Rudolf of Austria a "VIP", because he was not only the brother of Emperor Franz I (the text about the Ludovika Tunnel provides more information on Emperor Franz I), but also one of the first famous visitors to the young spa town of Bad Ischl. As a high ecclesiastical dignitary (archbishop), he donated a lot. This monument is an attempt to remember and honour him.
Two more interesting facts:
- The monument was rotated 90 degrees during a park redesign.
- Rudolf was a piano student of famous composer and piano player Ludwig van Beethoven.
Latin inscription:
Rudolpho. Joanni.
Divi. Francisci. Imperat. Aust.
S. R. E. Tit. Sancti. Petri.
In. Monte. Aureo. Cardinali.
Archiepiscopo. Olomuc.
Fervore. Vere. Apostolico.
Gesti. Muneris. Huius. Decus
Avitis. Virtutum. Augustae. Domus.
Laudibus. Insigniter. Auxit.
Fodinis. Ferrariis. Friedlandicis.
De. Successoribus. Opti. Meritus.
Carus. Omnibus.
Eum. Se. Ad. Ischlens. Quoque.
Salsulas. Praestitit.
Perpetuum. Sui.
Apud. Hoc. Etiam. Municipium.
Desiderium. Relinqueret.
Maximilianus. Josephus.
E. L. L. Bar. De. Somerau. Beeckh.
Post. Eum.
Archiepiscopus. Olomucen.
Grati. In. Illum.
Pii Erga. Augustam. Domum.
Solatio. Populi. Ischlensis.
Ex Fodinis. Illis.
F. C.
For Rudolf Johannes,
brother of the exalted Emperor Franz of Austria,
Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, with the title of St. Peter's Church on the Golden Mountain,
Archbishop of Olomouc, who with real Christian zeal notably increased the honour of the office - which he held - through the inherited virtuous deeds of glory of the imperial house.
He gained great honour by recovering the ironworks of Friedland and was popular with everyone. He also made an outstanding contribution to the Ischl salt springs, so that there is an everlasting longing for him at this place.
Baron Maximilian Joseph von Somerau-Beeckh, who was Archbishop of Olomouc after him, had this monument executed by the Ironworks in Friedland, with a sense of gratitude to Rudolf, devotedly to the imperial house, for the comfort of the people of Ischl.