Fountain at the Marble Cottage In the imperial park behind the Marble Cottage
Archduke Franz Karl of Austria Fountain At Schröpferplatz square
Gagarin Memorial On the right shore of the Rettenbach tributary, near the junction of the Hubhanslauweg in Hinterstein
Garden vase in the Imperial Park West of the imperial villa on the meadow
Commemorative column “Imperial Stone” On the left of the Traun River bridge in Lauffen
Summit cross "Emperor Franz Joseph Cross" On Mount Katrin, at the summit facing Ischl (1542 m)
God save (Gott erhalte) Inscription on the “Emperor Franz Josef Anniversary Trail”, which connects Reiterndorf to Perneck, starting at Rosenkranzgasse 42 d. Reiterndorf to Perneck, starting at Rosenkranzgasse 42 d.
Emperor Franz Joseph Hunting Statue At the Engleitenstrasse
Imperial Villa Imperial Park
Crown Prince Rudolf Monument In the Jainzental valley, on the way from Hinterjainzen through the Jainzental to Hinterroith,
Max Spring In Maxquellgasse, along the alley on the shore of the Traun River, near the railway bridge
Imperial Villa Museum Located in the Imperial Park, entrance on Götzstrasse
Museum Marble Villa In the Imperial Park, a ten minute walk from the Imperial Villa
Mirror Pavilion In the Imperial Park, at the highest point of the trail route in the park, north of the Imperial Villa, on the edge of the forest
Rudolf’s Fountain At Kaltenbachstrasse 62, next to the valley station of the Katrin cable car, near the parking lots
Rudolfsdenkmal im Rudolfspark Bahnhofstraße, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße in der Parkanlage
Balcony of the Seeauer House Esplanade 10
Group of sculptures "Mort" (“The Listener”, in German “Der Loser”) In the Imperial Park, opposite of the Imperial Villa
Memorial Stone at Sophie’s Esplanade Esplanade, opposite of the former Hotel Austria, now Museum of the Township of Bad Ischl
Fountain in the Imperial Park Right in front of the Imperial Villa
Empress Elisabeth Statue At Lärchenwaldstrasse 16, in the front yard
Turkish Pavilion In the Imperial Park, west of the farm buildings, on a rock surrounded by trees
Villa Schratt Steinbruch 43
Villa Widerhofer Rosenkranzgasse 44
Column at Franz-Carl-Promenade At Hasnerallee alley, near the upper footbridge over Traun river (Tauber-Steg)
Column at Franz-Carl-Promenade Along the brine pipeline trial, at the junction to the Kaltenbachau
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