Halfway on the trail from the Prater town area to the Siriuskogl Hill
The eremite stone ("Einsiedlerstein") is actually a natural monument, becoming an official monument in 1984. The stone, an almost 5 m high dolomite boulder block broken into two parts, was transported here by the Traun glacier during the Ice Age. It got its name in the Biedermeier period, when in 1825, Henriette von Walter, wife of a wholesaler, had a hermitage built here in the style of a bark chapel and named it "Henriette's Restlessness". Hermitages were a popular element in English gardens at the time. Ten years later, the curious complex was already in decay, but on the top of Siriuskogl Hill, "Henriette's Heights" was emblazoned. The rocks were later painted with fairy tale pictures that have completely disappeared, which is probably why the rock’s names (Eagle’s Stone ("Adlerstein") and Dragon Rock ("Drachenfels")), have not become popular.